2024 NSC Matric Final Exam Timetable

The National Senior Certificate (NSC) matric final exam timetable for 2024 is out for learners/pupils to review and prepare.

Set to start toward the end of October on Monday, the 21st, this gives pupils less than 100 days to write their matric final exams for 2024.

Be smart, review the timetable, and start preparing today, for a better chance to pass your final exam.

Download the Matric Final Exam Timetable

Or review the schedule below for each of the weeks when the exam starts and finishes in November 2024.

Matric final exam week 4/5/6

Preparing for the Final Exam

June/July is the right time to start preparing for and focusing all your energy toward passing your grade 12 matric this year.

While you’re being taught and doing matric extra classes, download past papers, including this year’s March and June papers to further understand how the exams are being structured.

Check the final timetable regularly to implement a good studying strategy for each of the subjects you’ll be writing. The Department of Basic Education (DBE) might amend the dates that you’ll need to be aware of.

Take breaks, don’t study too hard but be smart. Ensure you have all the necessary tools (pen, calculator, etc) for your final matric exams to avoid introducing panic/stress before the exams start.

Matric Pass Requirements

Understand the new matric pass requirements for each of the subjects but do not limit your efforts to study for these numbers.

You must aim for higher performance with distinctions on your major subjects, for a better chance at qualifying for higher education at universities in South Africa.

In fact, if you pass with flying colors, you stand a good chance of getting bursaries from government and private companies to study in universities.

Matric Rewrite Opportunities

If you didn’t get the desired results or missed the exam for various important reasons, you have the opportunity to rewrite certain subjects to improve your status.

Often, DBE will announce a window and period when matric rewrites will happen for learners interested in this second-chance opportunity.

It costs nothing but time for the final exam rewrite for learners in public or government schools. There might be fees for private schools.