Matric Recheck and Remarking in South Africa

Do you feel your final matric results outcome doesn’t reflect your expected performance and wish you could see the actual marked paper as proof?

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) offers the option of a recheck or remark of your exam scripts if you are unsatisfied with your final results.

What is a Matric Recheck?

A matric recheck involves verifying that all your answers in the exam sheet have been marked, and that the marks have been correctly added and recorded – getting a second opinion on your exam answers.

This process ensures there were no clerical or administrative errors in the marking and calculation of scores. A recheck does not involve re-evaluating the quality of the answers but merely ensures that nothing was overlooked or miscalculated.

What is a Matric Remark?

A matric remark is a more thorough process. In this case, the entire answer sheet is reviewed by a different examiner to determine whether the student’s responses were assessed accurately and fairly.

This process can potentially lead to an adjustment of marks, either up or down, depending on the examiner’s assessment.

Reasons to Consider a Recheck or Remark

Students typically opt for a recheck or remark in the following situations:

  1. Close to a Pass/Fail Threshold: A few additional marks could mean passing a subject or moving from a lower to a higher pass level (e.g., from a “Higher Certificate” to a “Diploma” pass).
  2. Meeting University Requirements: Students who narrowly miss the admission requirements for their desired university programs might request a remark.
  3. Suspicion of Error: If a student performed significantly better in school-based assessments or feels their effort in a particular subject is not reflected in their results, they may seek a remark.

How to Apply for a Matric Recheck or Remark

The process is straightforward:

  1. Application Form: Obtain the recheck/remark application form from the Department of Basic Education website or your school.
  2. Payment: There is a fee for both services, which may vary each year. In 2025, for instance, the recheck fee might be around R29, while a remark could cost approximately R126 per subject. These fees ensure the processes are carried out efficiently.
  3. Deadline: Applications usually close within a few weeks of the matric results being released, often by the end of January.
  4. Submission: Submit the completed form along with proof of payment to your district office or through the specified online platform.

The Risks of Rechecking or Remarking

While a recheck or remark can bring you peace of mind, it is as much important to weigh the risks as well:

  • Potential for Marks to Decrease: A remark may result in a reduction in marks if the new examiner feels the original score was too high.
  • No Guarantee of Change: There’s no certainty that the process will lead to an adjustment, which can be disappointing if you have high expectations.

Viewing Exam Scripts

In addition to rechecks and remarks, students can apply to view their exam scripts. This option helps students identify specific areas where they may have lost marks and assess whether a recheck or remark is necessary.

Final Results and Certificates

If a remark or recheck leads to a change in the student’s results, the Department of Basic Education will issue an updated matric certificate. This process can take a few weeks after the release of the remark/recheck results.


The matric recheck and remark processes are essential mechanisms for ensuring fairness and accuracy in South Africa’s matric examinations.

They provide you with an opportunity to challenge your final results and potentially improve their outcomes. While the process requires careful consideration, it can be a game-changer for students aiming to achieve their academic and career aspirations.

For more details, please visit the official Department of Basic Education website or visit their local education district offices to consult with their officials.