How To Appeal For Declined SRD R370 Grant Application

Seeing your R370 SRD grant application declined for a reason you know is not correct, can be more frustrating because you won’t be getting the money this month.

SASSA has implemented the appeal for declined SRD process to assist beneficiaries like yourself who feel their grant applications were unfairly declined.

Today I want to walk you through the process of appealing a declined R370 SRD grant, so that you can start receiving the much-needed grant money in the next payment date.

Without wasting your time, let’s dive right in.

Prepare this, Before you Lodge an Appeal

  • Proof Against Rejection Reason: There’s a reason you’re appealing the declined or rejected SRD grant application, you must clearly identify that reason and provide proof that the information they have is outdated.
  • Application Verification: Have your ID and cellphone number ready, that you’ve used during the application to verify before lodging your appeal.
  • Supporting Documents: Make sure you have all the necessary supporting documents that can help strengthen your appeal.
  • Prepare To Wait & The Worst: The appeal process might take up to 90 days to complete, with no guarantee the outcome will be successful.

Lodge Appeal for Declined SRD R370 Grant Online

Here are a few easy steps to appeal for declined R370 SRD grant application:

1. Visit the SRD Appeals Online Platform

Navigate to the SASSA SRD Appeals online platform at ““, read the instructions, and terms and conditions, and then, click on the green button written “click here to lodge an appeal or check appeal status.”

Lodge Appeal for Declined SRD Grant

2. Verify Grant Application

On the next screen, enter your SA ID number and mobile number used to submit your initial R370 SRD application, then click the “Send Pin” button to begin authentication via OTP.

Enter the pin you have received on your cellphone via SMS and click on submit to proceed.

SRD Appeal Authentication

3. Choose the Appeal Month

On the next screen, you’ll see all the months your SRD application was declined. Select the month you’d like to appeal, preferably the latest month as you can only appeal applications between 30-90 days.

If you prefer to lodge appeals for the other months as well, you’ll need to submit appeals for each of the rejected months separately.

4. Submit Reason for Appeal

Provide the reasons for the appeal and refer to any supporting documents you’ll be including for reference by the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals (ITSAA) reviewers.

For this reason, you’re requesting a reconsideration of your application based on the evidence you’ll provide during this appeal process.

5. Upload Supporting Documents

Next, submit all the supporting documents, which could include proof of unemployment, bank statements, or any other relevant documents that support your claim for the grant.

Draft a formal appeal letter where you clearly state your name, ID Number, and contact details. Reference any unique identifiers or application numbers related to your original SRD grant application and clearly state that you’re appealing the decision to decline your SRD grant.

6. Send Your SRD Appeal

Review all the information to correct the declined status of your grant application and once happy, submit your appeal.

After submitting your appeal, there will be a waiting period while SASSA and the ITSAA review the submitted information and documents.

During this time it’s crucial to keep any correspondence or proof of your appeal submission closer, in case they contact for you for more information.

You will get the outcome of the appeal within 60 to 90 days. If all goes well and your application is approved, funds for previous months will be paid, upon which you qualified for those particular months.

Check Appeal Status

After waiting for some time, you might want to check the status of your application for the previously appealed and upcoming months.

Use the form below to check your R370 SRD grant application status.

By completing this form online, you are confirming that you have read and understood our terms and conditions.

If your appeal is successful, you’ll be notified about the next steps to receive your SRD grant. If it’s unsuccessful, you’ll receive reasons for the decision.

What To Do If Appeal Does Not Work

As a last resort, if your appeal is still unsuccessful after multiple attempts, and you believe the decision was unjust, you may seek further advice or legal assistance to take this further.

There are courts in South Africa that can help you with the matter, for a judicial review but this step must be taken after careful consideration of all the facts.

Understanding SRD Grant Declined Reasons

Here are the top five (5) reasons why SASSA SRD applications would typically be declined:

Alternative Income Source Identified

This is one of the most common reasons for the decline of an SRD grant application.

SASSA’s systems or verification processes may detect that the applicant has an alternative source of income, making them ineligible for the grant. 

This could be from formal employment, other grants, or unofficial earnings that exceed the threshold set by SASSA.

Identification Issues

Problems with the applicant’s identification details can lead to a decline.

This includes discrepancies in the ID number provided, the use of incorrect personal information, or issues with the verification of identity through the Department of Home Affairs.

Accurate and verifiable identification is crucial for approval.

Unsuccessful Verification by UIF

If the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) records indicate that an applicant is receiving benefits, the SRD grant application will be declined. 

The UIF provides temporary financial support to individuals who have lost their jobs, and receiving UIF benefits disqualifies applicants from receiving the SRD grant.

NSFAS Registration Detected

Students who are currently registered and receiving financial support from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) are not eligible for the SRD grant.

NSFAS aims to provide financial aid to eligible students at public universities and TVET colleges, and recipients of this support are considered to be receiving sufficient financial assistance.

Existing SASSA Grant Recipient

Individuals who are already receiving other types of SASSA grants (like child support, disability, or old age pensions) are ineligible for the SRD grant. The SRD is specifically targeted at those with no other forms of government assistance.

If an application is declined for any of these reasons, applicants can submit a reconsideration request if they believe the decision was made in error or if their circumstances have changed.